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  • Erasmus - international students exchange at Yabimo
    Wednesday, 11 May 2022

    Erasmus - international students exchange at Yabimo

    We are part of the international program, Erasmus. Meet Reka, Petra and Virag who have come to us from Hungary, Deak Ferenc Technical School of Economics.

  • Yabimo is a synergy of passion | Wojciech Żywioł
    Thursday, 5 May 2022

    Yabimo is a synergy of passion | Wojciech Żywioł

    Yabimo means people. We are unique, but always equal. Our priority is to work safely and effectively. The quality of our services comes from the high potential of our people, who deliver their knowledge, experience, passionate work ethic, skills and a fresh perspective.

  • 1st May: Labour Day
    Sunday, 1 May 2022

    1st May: Labour Day

    Today on Labour Day we express our deepest appreciation for everyone’s hard work and effort towards developing and empowering our team who has worked tirelessly to support our operations.

  • HAMMERFEST: Norwegian gas and YABIMO
    Friday, 29 April 2022

    HAMMERFEST: Norwegian gas and YABIMO

    We are focused on energy business in Norway. For the last 10 years YABIMO has built amazing portfolio of the clients. We work onshore and offshore for most top players on Norwegian Continental Shelf. Every single day our fantastic team does its best to align and adjust with requirements of particular projects. We are more that proud of it.

  • Yabimo is synergy of passion | Karolina Majewska
    Tuesday, 12 April 2022

    Yabimo is synergy of passion | Karolina Majewska

    We are YABIMO, we are family of passionate professionals. We all compose the whole, but each of us is different and special.