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  • 10 Year Anniversary
    Friday, 26 November 2021

    10 Year Anniversary

    The future is up to us. Could you remember the day that change your future? Think about it. What was it like? Maybe it turned your perspective on how something should be worked? Imagine the year 2011, when 3 enthusiastic friends experienced in engineering and finance on international scale joined forces and changed their future. They realised that synergy between them could turn them into winners. This memory evokes our 10 anniversary of serving you.

  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021
    Wednesday, 23 December 2020

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021

    Dear Friends, Business Partners and Colleagues,

    Merry Christmas!

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for working with YABIMO throughout the year. 

    Wishing you All a bright and healthy New Year!

    YABIMO Team

  • The construction of Facebook data centre in northern Sweden
    Friday, 30 October 2020

    The construction of Facebook data centre in northern Sweden

    Yabimo has started delivery of scaffold fitters to the construction site of the one of the world-class data centres in northern Sweden. 

  • YABIMO’s strategy of dealing with COVID-19
    Thursday, 15 October 2020

    YABIMO’s strategy of dealing with COVID-19

    Since the appearance of the COVID-19 virus in March of 2020 we are constantly monitoring the situation to prevent the risk of infection among our employees working on the projects abroad and in Poland to ensure safe travel as well as sustainable and responsible cooperation with our business partners. 

    Wednesday, 14 October 2020


    Yabimo has started delivery of scaffold fitters to the construction site of the biggest battery manufacturing plant in Europe located in the east of Sweden.