Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and Code of Conduct
Compliance with Laws
All YABIMO’s actions comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We will align our conduct with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Declaration of Human Rights; and with other international laws and codes of conduct where such are applicable.
Business Method
Yabimo shall be known as a reliable company that delivers quality on time.
Suppliers, customers and partners shall have confidence in the Group and its employees. The Group and the employees therefore commit themselves to comply with current Acts and Regulations, live up to a high ethical standard and take active social responsibility in their conduct of business.
Yabimo shall encourage its business associates to live up to ethical standards that correspond to Yabimo’s ethical requirements.
Fair competition
Yabimo shall compete within the competition regulations applicable to the market in which the company is operating, and otherwise with integrity and in an ethically sound manner.
Improper Payments
YABIMO will not, in order to obtain or retain business or other advantages in the conduct of business, offer, promise or give any undue advantages to a public official or a third party to make the official act or refrain from acting in relations to the performance of her/his official duties. This applies regardless whether the advantage is offered directly or through an intermediary.
YABIMO acts follow Polish and international legislation on bribery and corruption, such as Polish Penal Act, the COE Criminal Law Convention and the UK Bribery Act.
Gifts, Hospitality and Expenses
YABIMO does not offer any gifts or hospitality for its Clients, and does not offer gifts and other favours to Client’s employees, representatives, partners or anyone closely related, except for promotional items of minimal value, normally bearing a company logo.
Hospitality such as social events, meals or entertainment may be offered, provided there is a clear business reason. The costs related to such hospitality are kept within reasonable limits. Travel, accommodation and other expenses for the individual, representing Clients, will always be paid by Clients, unless other arrangements are agreed in the contract.
Gifts, hospitality and expenses shall not be offered or received in connection with contract bidding, evaluation or award.
The duty of non-disclosure shall ensure that unauthorised persons do not gain access to information that can damage Yabimo’s business activity or reputation. Sensitive information relating to employees, business, commercial, technical, contractual or safety-related matters and other confidential information shall not be disclosed to unauthorised persons. The same applies to information that is protected by law.
The duty of non-disclosure continues to apply after the employment relationship or assignment has been concluded.
Conflict of Interest
YABIMO and our employees, will not take part in or seek to influence any decision in circumstances that can give rise to an actual or perceived conflict of interest. Such circumstances may be a business interest or a personal interest in the subject matter - economically or otherwise - directly or through someone closely related. If YABIMO become aware of potential conflict of interest, YABIMO will notify Client without delay.
Political activity
Yabimo is a politically neutral company.
Equal treatment
Yabimo shows respect for all individuals. The company recruits on the basis of expertise, irrespective of the employee’s sex, age, handicap, ethnicity, religion and cultural background.
Yabimo desires an inclusive workplace culture and is working actively to promote a good working environment. All employees are guaranteed pay and working conditions that prevent social dumping.
The company does not accept behaviour that colleagues or business associates may perceive as threatening or degrading, including harassment / bullying and discrimination.
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
YABIMO works ambitiously, through continuous improvement, for a healthy, safe and secure work environment which as a minimum is in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. YABIMO strives to have the best possible management system for HSE.
YABIMO works to minimize negative impacts on the environment, taking into consideration the full life cycle of our products. YABIMO works to achieve energy efficiency and minimize harmful discharge, emissions and waste production. YABIMO complies with national environmental legislation and discharge permits.
Minimum Age of Labor
YABIMO does not employ children below the age of 15.
Forced Labor
YABIMO does not engage or employ people against their own free will, nor will personnel be required to lodge “deposits” or identity papers upon commencing employment. YABIMO does not engage or employ people through any form of forced labor as defined by international labor standards.
Freedom of Association & Right to Collective Bargaining
YABIMO recognizes that our employees are entitled to be union members and to be represented in collective bargaining agreements. In countries where these rights are restricted YABIMO provides our employees with opportunities to influence their work situation.
Working Hours & Wages
YABIMO complies with local law and agreements regarding working hours. YABIMO ensures that wages paid to employees and hired labor are considered fair and in compliance with local law and agreements.
Employment Practices
YABIMO treats our employees and hired labor equally and fairly. YABIMO does not accept any form of harassment or discrimination based on age, gender, religion or any other reason.
Minority Rights
YABIMO pays special attention to the rights, requirements, values and integrity of indigenous people and other minority groups affected by our operations. To the extent our work may affect indigenous people or other minority groups, a process to minimize and manage such impacts will be undertaken.
Security Resources
YABIMO observes strict requirements for the selection of security contractors to avoid human rights risks in countries where security firms are not properly regulated.
Selection of Business Partner, Agents and other Intermediaries
YABIMO promotes that potential business partners, agents and intermediaries adopt the principles set forth in this YABIMO CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY.
Standards towards own Suppliers and Subcontractors
YABIMO promotes the implementation of the principles set forth in this YABIMO CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY towards own suppliers and subcontractors.