Environmental actions

System (ISO 14001:2015)

The safety-first mindset applies to all of our actions. By minimizing our impact on the environment, we help build a cleaner, safer future.
We are conscious of our responsibility towards society. We aim to deliver social impact by improving people’s health and well-being, offering the best place to work. We believe that creating safe, engaging, and healthy environments is a vital part of sustainability. YABIMO supports the local community. Among others, we care for pediatric department in a local hospital. Our mission is to be actively involved in the development of local communities and take care of the health of our youngest citizens.
Supporting students in their first steps on the career path by cooperation with Erasmus Krakow (European Union student exchange program). Helping teach the next generation of professionals, providing employment opportunities for students from all over Europe, and harnessing their interest by turning it into skills and knowledge.
Cooperation with the best technical University in Poland in development and supporting solutions for launching circular economy models. We share our expertise and educate students about material sustainability, efficient production, and reducing pollution.
Financing medical benefit packages for employees and their family members. Making sure everyone at YABIMO has access to the best healthcare available. Whether it’s treatment or prevention, our employees can quickly react to any arising health issues.
Promotion of a healthy lifestyle by providing benefit cards that our workforce can use for gym memberships, sports clubs, swimming pools, and other places that encourage physical activity.
Not only do we monitor compliance ourselves in the form of audits and document analysis (among others), but we also host regular inspections by the appropriate authorities. The list of inspections includes:
Our Customers can also perform audits. We welcome those with open arms, as well. After all, we are confident that the results of such audits are a testament to our respect for the local laws. Previous instances of Customer checks have proven it every time.
Another aspect of governance is strict cooperation with local trade unions. By entering into mutually beneficial agreements, both sides ensure that the interests of employees (both local and foreign) remain protected. Equal treatment, conditions, and pay, are some of the examples of our commitment to leveling the playing field across the workforce.
Both the company and each employee are properly insured against a wide range of risk factors. It allows us to guarantee that employees are covered in the event of an incident. In other words, no one gets left behind.
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Find out more about how we can use our expertise and resources to support your projects. We’re here to answer any questions you might have about our services. If you prefer to reach out to a representative in your area directly, go to the Contact page.